Insanity Month 1

Insanity Month 1

Sporty   /   Sep 13th, 2020   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
Why do I do this to myself? Well, simple reason, I eat too much and enjoy all the worst foods and I gain weight and get unfit real easy. And I have no problem doing silly things when I put my mind to it.

I number of years back I heard about this program from Shaun T called Insanity. I had met someone who did it who said that it worked great for them and recommended I gave it a shot as well. I thought, what the hell, I should give it a go as well.

Well, today I just finished the recovery week after month 1. This is actually the fourth time I have started this program and the first time I have made it this far. The first two times I stopped at the end of month 1 for for holidays and just never started month 2 and the third time, well that was recently and I had some back issues which took 2 weeks to recover from and rather than try and start again where I stopped I went back to the beginning and did it all over again. I even managed to do it this time while being on vacation with family.

Initially when I started this program I thought it would help me lose some weight, obviously I didn't read any of the many reviews online (which I have now) that said this program is less about losing weight and more about gaining muscle and definition. Or maybe I am still just eating too much crap (most likely - but if you see my wife's instagram feed you will see there is some good food in there too).

Every workout is tough, by the end of the warm up I am already sweating buckets and pushing the 150 calories mark. I stopped wearing a shirt during the workouts after the first couple, not because I was happy with my body, but because I was sick of jumping about in a soaking wet shirt. The moves are pretty easy to do and everything is quite easy to follow, but that is the only easy part about these workouts. There is a lot of jumping, squats, pushups and fast footwork. And this week, in the recovery week there was still a lot of pushups, squats and horrible shoulder work. This workout is not for someone who has back, knee or ankle problems as a lot of the moves will just make these issues worse.

I am starting to notice some changes in the body (mainly upper body and not enough to boast properly about) and I am looking forward (in a sadistic way) to month 2. Bring on the early mornings (to get this done before the kids get up) and the pain and sweat. 
Tags:  Get Fit · Workout · Insanity · Healthy
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